Singing Guide: Little Walter

Singing Guide: Little Walter

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

If you are a blues singer and harmonica player, you cannot escape the influence of Little Walter. He was crowned the King of Chicago Blues harmonica and is considered the best blues harmonica player of all time for his revolutionary use of the instrument and his tone control. His unmistakable vibrato, trills, and tongue-blocking techniques shaped the sound of blues harmonica and influenced countless musicians.

Develop Your Ears

Litle Walter's signature sound was developed by emulating the saxophone and trumpet players he listened to in his youth, a great example of how exposing yourself to a broad range of music and practicing emulation exercises can shape your distinctive sound. To emulate Walter, you’ll need to listen to his music and become familiar with his approach and style.

Tongue-blocking Technique

Walter is known for his innovative use of tongue-blocking, a technique that involves playing multiple reeds at the same time by blocking some of the holes with your tongue. You can learn the fundamentals of tongue-blocking with the mouth positioning exercise in this article. Combine it with this Warm-Up Exercise to develop your tongue-blocking technique.


Little Walter's vibrato is central to his sound, and he applied it not only while playing notes but also on single draw and blow notes, a technique that creates a tremolo-like effect. You can develop your vibrato with Singing Carrots' Vibrato Exercise.

Chest Voice

Little Walter often used his chest voice for strong, powerful notes, especially when shouting. Chest voice is the lower range of your voice, where the sound resonates in your chest. Developing chest voice requires proper breathing, posture, and support, which you can learn with Singing Carrots' Breath Support Article and Good Posture Exercise.

Diction and Articulation

Walter was a master of diction and articulation, emulating singers of his time. To keep your articulation clear, Singing Carrots' Finger Bite Exercise is an excellent tool.

Little Walter's Famous Tracks

Some of the most influential songs by Little Walter that showcase his techniques and style are:

  • My Babe: features tongue-blocking and vibrato techniques
  • Hoochie Coochie Man: uses chest voice together with a tongue-blocking and vibrato
  • Boom Boom: requires strong diction and articulation
  • Juke: showcases his unique vibrato

Singing Carrots' Additional Resources

Singing Carrots' online singing course Singing for Beginners covers essential singing techniques that can help blues singers emulate Little Walter's style. Additionally, Singing Carrots' range and pitch tests can help identify your vocal range, pitch accuracy, and vocal type to help you choose songs that suit your abilities.


Emulating Little Walter's unique sound requires listening to his music, developing tongue-blocking and vibrato techniques, improving chest voice, and mastering diction and articulation. With Singing Carrots' additional resources and exercises, you can learn to sing and play harmonica like the King of Chicago Blues harmonica.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.